Internal communication - SSP Kommunikation


Good employees who want to be motivated and informed are a relevant competitive factor. At the same time, there is no strategy for internal communication in the majority of companies. As a result, employees are not only demotivated, but also important potentials largely remain unexploited.

Disorders in internal communications can develop into significant obstacles concerning production and work. Around 17 per cent of employees find themselves in a state of inner resignation – a result of inadequate and misdirected communication. Good internal communication ensures a smooth informational flow between the corresponding levels of the cascade. It ensures that all relevant information is provided to all relevant employees at the same time. It provides opportunities for feedback and is thus not just a “one-way communication” system.

Internal communication not only ensures the reliable distribution of in-house messages and information. Sound internal communication provides (knowledge) platforms, which allow staff (international, cross-site) to work together. Digital communication methods can play important roles here. Structuring them correctly, ensuring their appropriate handling, and securing their acceptance are all challenges of strategic internal communication.


  • Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH, Duisburg
  • Sony Deutschland GmbH, Köln
  • Carcoustics GmbH, Leverkusen